MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Recovering and provisioning with mysqldump

July 9, 2019
Butterfly by Olivier DASINI

As the administrator of a cluster, among other tasks, you should be able to restore failed nodes and grow (or shrink) your cluster by adding (or removing) new nodes.

In MySQL, as a backup tool (and if your amount of data is not too big), you can use mysqldump a client utility that performs logical backups.
The results are SQL statements that reproduce the original schema objects and data.

For substantial amounts of data however, a physical backup solution such as MySQL Enterprise Backup is faster, particularly for the restore operation.
Hey! guess what? You can read: MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Recovering and provisioning with MySQL Enterprise Backup


Let’s make it as simple as possible 🙂
I’m using MySQL 8.0.16.
I have an InnoDB Cluster setup – up and running.
So my main assumption is that you already know what is MySQL Group Replication & MySQL InnoDB Cluster.
Additionally you can read this tutorial and this article from my colleague lefred or this one on Windows Platform from my colleague Ivan.


Depending on how you configured your MySQL InnoDB Cluster, some steps could be slightly different.

Scenario 1 – Node Recovering

  • A 3 nodes MySQL InnoDB Cluster – M1 / M2 / M3, in single primary mode
  • MySQL Router is configured to enable R/W connections on port 3306 and RO connections on port 3307
  • M1 is currently the primary (so in Read/Write mode)
  • M2 & M3 are currently the secondaries (i.e. Read Only mode)
  • M1 failed! Some tables are irreconcilably corrupted 🙁
  • M2 & M3 are now the (new temporary) cluster

The goal then is to rebuild M1 and put it back to the cluster.

So like I stated we have a 3 nodes MySQL 8.0.16 InnoDB Cluster up and running:

Then M1 failed (status is “MISSING“) :

M1 was the primary.
The cluster initiated an automatic database failover to elect a new primary… blablabla
Anyway you already know the story 🙂

After a while M1 is finally fixed and ready to be part of the cluster again.
To minimize the recovery time instead of using the last dump we prefer to take a fresh one.

Speaking of backup, I recommend reading the excellent blog post from my colleague JesperMySQL Backup Best Practices.

Let’s take a fresh dump on a secondary node using MySQL Router, on port 3307 with my custom configuration (we could also used the primary).
The dump will roughly looks like :

Minimum privileges for the MySQL user with which mysqldump connects to the server

Actually this minimum privileges depends on what object you wan to dump and what for the dump it is.

However the following privileges should be fine for most of the classical usages:


Please note that it is highly recommended, in addition to the my.cnf, to include in your backup process a copy of the auto.cnf and mysqld-auto.cnf configuration files for all nodes.

If you “lose” your auto.cnf file, don’t worry the server will generate a new one for you.
However the recovery process will be slightly different… (more on that below).

Now it’s time to restore this dump on node M1.

Because this server is part of InnoDB Cluster, clearly there are some extra steps compare to a standalone server restoration.

Restore the data

First, restore the data on M1:

  • It’s a logical restoration so the server to restore must be up 😀
  • Group Replication plugin must be stopped
  • Disable logging to the binary log
    • SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0;
  • Delete binary log files
  • Clear the master info and relay log info repositories and deletes all the relay log files
  • Enable updates
    • SET GLOBAL super_read_only=0;
  • Load the dump
    • source /data/backups/dump.sql

This gives us:

Put the node back to the cluster

Second, put the node back to the cluster.
Connect to MySQL Router on the primary (port 3306 in my case):

Now you should check the new cluster status


The cluster status of the restored node will be in the status “RECOVERING” before to be “ONLINE”.

Lost the auto.cnf file

As promised, the case when the auto.cnf configuration file is not restored.
In fact, in that case the cluster would see this node as a new node (because the server will have a new UUID).
So the process for putting it back is different.

Also note that if you loose the mysqld-auto.cnf file you’ll probably need to configure (again) the server to be Group Replication aware.

So basically the process is doing some cleaning and then add the old node like it was a new node.

Assuming Group Replication plugin is stopped on M1:

Et voilà !

Scenario 2 – Node Provisioning

  • A 3 nodes MySQL InnoDB Cluster – M1 / M2 / M3 in single primary mode
  • MySQL Router is configured to enable R/W connections on port 3306 and RO connections on port 3307
  • M2 is currently the primary in Read/Write mode
  • M1 & M3 are currently the secondaries in Read Only mode

The goal then is to add 2 new nodes: M4 & M5

So we have the 3 nodes MySQL 8.0.16 InnoDB Cluster that we used in the first part of this article.
And it is up and running.

Actually adding new nodes is very close to what we have done previously.

The process is :

  • Deploy the new MySQL instance preferably already configured for Group Replication
  • Restore the data in the way that we have seen previously

Check the configuration and the configuration itself can be done respectively with dba.checkInstanceConfiguration() and dba.configure() functions (and it could also be useful to use checkInstanceState()see this article).
e.g. on node M4:

The first part of the restore process is the same than the one we have seen:

For the second part, we will now add the new node (M4) :


If necessary, just before the addInstance() you can do the checkInstanceConfiguration() and configureInstance().

Same process for the last node, M5.

And finally you got a 5 nodes MySQL InnoDB Cluster \o/:

This is one way to do node recovery and provisioning using mysqldump, when your amount of data is not big.

When logical backup is not efficient it is time to use an hot, online and non-blocking physical backup tool like MySQL Enterprise Backup.
Actually, it’s even easier!
Please read: MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Recovering and provisioning with MySQL Enterprise Backup.

A final word to say that some new features are coming in this area… 🙂
Stay tuned!


Node 1 – Group Replication configuration

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2 Responses to “MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Recovering and provisioning with mysqldump”

  1. […] I stated in my previous article – MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Recovering and provisioning with mysqldump : “As the administrator of a cluster, among other tasks, you should be able to restore failed […]

  2. […] Use mysqldump : see MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Recovering and provisioning with mysqldump […]