MySQL Security – User Account Locking
If you are using MySQL 8.0, I would recommend you to read : MySQL Security – Failed-Login Tracking and Temporary Account Locking
When thinking about security within a MySQL installation, you should consider a wide range of possible procedures / best practices and how they affect the security of your MySQL server and related applications. MySQL provides many tools / features / plugins in order to protect your data including some advanced features like Transparent Data Encryption aka TDE, Audit, Data Masking & De-Identification, Firewall, Password Management, Password Validation Plugin, The Connection-Control Plugins, etc…
For security reasons some context require you to setup a user account locking policy. Thus an unauthorized user is not able (anymore) to login to the MySQL server. In this 3rd article of the MySQL Security series, we will see how to [un]lock a user account.
User Account Locking
MySQL supports locking and unlocking user accounts using the ACCOUNT LOCK and ACCOUNT UNLOCK clauses for the CREATE USER and ALTER USER statements:
- When used with CREATE USER, these clauses specify the initial locking state for a new account. In the absence of either clause, the account is created in an unlocked state.
- When used with ALTER USER, these clauses specify the new locking state for an existing account. In the absence of either clause, the account locking state remains unchanged.
So let’s create a user batchman { not this one 🙂 } with all privileges on sakila database:
mysql> select VERSION(); +-----------+ | version() | +-----------+ | 5.7.21 | +-----------+ CREATE USER batchman@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'p4s5W0%d'; GRANT ALL ON sakila.* TO batchman@localhost;
Account locking state is recorded in the account_locked column of the mysql.user table:
mysql> SELECT user, host, account_locked FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'batchman'\G *************************** 1. row *************************** user: batchman host: localhost account_locked: N
The output from SHOW CREATE USER indicates whether an account is locked or unlocked:
mysql> SHOW CREATE USER batchman@localhost\G *************************** 1. row *************************** CREATE USER for batchman@localhost: CREATE USER 'batchman'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password' AS '*15E0AF3C6647A20428477A460202CD7C89D78DDF' REQUIRE NONE PASSWORD EXPIRE DEFAULT ACCOUNT UNLOCK
Indeed accounts are unlock by default.
The new user account is allowed to connect to the server and can handle sakila’s objects:
$ mysql -u batchman -p mysql_batchman> SELECT USER(); SHOW SCHEMAS; +--------------------+ | USER() | +--------------------+ | batchman@localhost | +--------------------+ +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | sakila | +--------------------+
Lock account
What if your security policy requires you to lock this account?
ACCOUNT LOCK clause is the answer :
mysql> ALTER USER batchman@localhost ACCOUNT LOCK; SELECT user, host, account_locked FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'batchman'; +----------+-----------+----------------+ | user | host | account_locked | +----------+-----------+----------------+ | batchman | localhost | Y | +----------+-----------+----------------+ mysql> SHOW CREATE USER batchman@localhost\G *************************** 1. row *************************** CREATE USER for batchman@localhost: CREATE USER 'batchman'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password' AS '*15E0AF3C6647A20428477A460202CD7C89D78DDF' REQUIRE NONE PASSWORD EXPIRE DEFAULT ACCOUNT LOCK
batchman@localhost is now locked!
Any connection attempt with this user will failed :
-- User try to connect $ mysql -u batchman -p ERROR 3118 (HY000): Access denied for user 'batchman'@'localhost'. Account is locked.
If the user is still connected you’ll need to kill the connection.
The server increments the Locked_connects status variable that indicates the number of attempts to connect to a locked account and writes a message to the error log :
-- Back to the administrator session mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Locked_connects'; +-----------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------+-------+ | Locked_connects | 1 | +-----------------+-------+ -- In the error log mysql> system tail -n1 /var/log/mysqld.log 2018-02-01T15:30:35.649393Z 65 [Note] Access denied for user 'batchman'@'localhost'. Account is locked.
In order to go further
MySQL Security Series
- Password Validation Plugin
- Password Management
- User Account Locking
- The Connection-Control Plugins
- Enterprise Audit
- Enterprise Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
- Enterprise Firewall
- Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification
Reference Manual
MySQL Security
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Cloud Solutions Architect at Oracle
MySQL Geek, author, blogger and speaker
I’m an insatiable hunger of learning.
[…] User Account Locking […]
[…] User Account Locking […]
[…] On peut affirmer que MySQL n’a jamais été très flexible quand à la gestion des usagers! Mais ce temps est révolu avec la fonctionnalité de account locking! Les détails ici. […]
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[…] some advanced features like Audit, TDE, Password Management, Password Validation Plugin, User Account Locking, […]
[…] some advanced features like Audit, Firewall, Password Management, Password Validation Plugin, User Account Locking, […]
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[…] Data Masking & De-Identification, Password Management, Password Validation Plugin, User Account Locking, […]
[…] MySQL Security – User Account Locking […]
[…] User Account Locking […]
[…] User Account Locking […]
[…] User Account Locking […]
[…] User Account Locking […]
[…] User Account Locking […]
[…] User Account Locking […]