HeatWave – A MySQL cloud feature to speed up your queries
If you have (too) long running select queries it is probably because of lack of relevant indexes, problematic schema that lead to poor queries or inadequate hardware.
That said, sometime even if you doing it right, the query execution time could be too long regarding of what the application or your users expect. It is often true for reporting, real time analytics or BI queries.
At Oracle we have developed HeatWave, that allow you to easily run high performance analytics against your MySQL database.
To be more precise, HeatWave is a massively-scalable integrated analytics engine for MySQL Database Service (MDS), the MySQL DBaaS in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

Some key points of HeatWave:
- Single MySQL database for OLTP & analytics applications
- All existing applications work without any changes
- Extreme performance:
If your application already use a MySQL database that is not MySQL Database Service, you can still use HeatWave, thanks to the Inbound Replication feature.
This is basically what you architecture will look like

Your “problematic” select queries will be running on MDS (with HeatWave plugin enabled).
Create this architecture is pretty simple, this is the topic of this article…
You have an application and a MySQL instance somewhere (on-premise / public | private cloud / on the moon, …), called in this article.
You’ve already created your HeatWave instance, called MDSHW ( in this article.

Not yet created? Don’t worry it is quite easy : MySQL Database Service with a HeatWave cluster
Last but not least, you want to dramatically improve the response time of your select queries.
You can take advantage of the power of HeatWave, by setup a replication channel between your MySQL instance and a MySQL Database Service with a HeatWave cluster.
For simplicity, in this blog post the MySQL instance is on OCI. However this architecture is also relevant with the DB out of OCI.
In that case you will need a VPN (e.g. Using OpenVPN with MySQL Database Service).
Also for simplicity, I’m using MySQL 8.0. However, the following architecture is also relevant with MySQL 5.7.
To understand how to setup a replication channel from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL Database Service, you can read : Replicate from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL Database Service.
What is the plan?
Assuming we already have the application and a MySQL 8.0 database running, we will:
- Create a dedicated replication user on the source
- Create a dump of the MySQL instance
- Load the dump into MySQL Database Service with HeatWave
- Create a replication channel on MySQL Database Service with HeatWave
- Enable a HeatWave cluster
Create a dedicated replication user on the source
Connect to the MySQL source instance (, using MySQL Shell:
mysqlsh root@localhost:3306 --sql
then create the replication user:
MySQL localhost:3306 ssl SQL >
with his relevant privileges:
MySQL localhost:3306 ssl SQL >
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE on *.* to rpl@'10.0.1.%';
Create a dump of the MySQL instance
If you think mysqldump (or mysqlpump) when you heard “dump” then it is time to upgrade your knowledge!!! 🙂
When using MySQL 8.0 or even 5.7, forget these 2 tools and please welcome MySQL Shell utilities and especially its load / dump tools – you’ll thank me later 😉
MySQL localhost:3306 ssl JS >
util.dumpInstance("/backup/myDump20210316", {ocimds: true, threads: 10, compatibility: ["force_innodb", "strip_definers", "strip_restricted_grants", "strip_tablespaces"]})
Please note ocimds & compatibility options.
These are very important in order to be able to load your data into MDS.
Details are available in this great Anastasia‘s article (MySQL SHELL – The new era) and obviously in the documentation.
In this scenario the dump is stored locally. But MySQL Shell also allow you to store your dump into an OCI Object Storage Bucket.
This could be a better alternative if your data set is large.
Super simple!
Load the dump into MySQL Database Service with HeatWave
Now it is the time to load the dump into MySQL Database Service with HeatWave (
MySQL Shell loadDump utility is even more amazing than you think!
It allows you to start loading in parallel the dump even if it is not completed yet 🙂
mysqlsh root@
MySQL ssl JS >
util.loadDump("/backup/myDump20210316", {updateGtidSet: "replace", threads: 10, waitDumpTimeout: 1800})
Please note the updateGtidSet option.
Documentation is available here.
Very simple!
Create a replication channel on MySQL Database Service with HeatWave
This step is even easier than the other 🙂 because most of the work will be done using the OCI console.
I already described it in this article and you’ll find all the details in the documentation.
Below the main stages.
The feature we are looking for is named Channel.
You can find it by clicking on “MySQL” then “Channel” and finally push the “Create Channel” button

Then fill the form:
Create in Compartment: Choose the right Compartment
Source Connection – Configure Connection to the MySQL Source
Username: rpl
(from the replication user created on the source)
Password: Rpl1234_
(from the replication user created on the source)
SSL Mode: – set when create the replication user –
Required (REQUIRED)
Establish an encrypted connection.
Target – Configure the DB System target
Select a DB System: MDSHW
Finally, push the Create Channel button… et voilà!
Wait for the Channel icon become green (ACTIVE)…
You can confirm the creation of the replication channel with the command SHOW REPLICA STATUS\G or run the following query using the replication channel name (default: replication_channel) :
MySQL ssl SQL >
FROM performance_schema.replication_connection_configuration
INNER JOIN performance_schema.replication_applier_status
WHERE CHANNEL_NAME = 'replication_channel'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
USER: rpl
PORT: 3306
CHANNEL_NAME: replication_channel
Enable a HeatWave cluster
The last stage covered in this article is how to enable the HeatWave cluster.
You must choose the number of node (2 minimum), it depends of the size of the data you want to put in HeatWave.
The “Estimate Node Count” feature will help you.

Then click Add HeatWave Cluster button.
What next?
There are some data preparation and finally load the data into the HeatWave cluster.
But that would be for another article 🙂
Obviously all these information are available in the HeatWave User Guide.
We continuously try to push the limits to improve MySQL, adding new features (check The complete list of new features in MySQL 8.0) to allow you to reach your business objectives.
Obviously, this is also true for MySQL Database Service.
HeatWave, the query accelerator is therefore a great example.
And you know what?
There are plenty of good things to come 🙂
Stay tuned!
Oh, one last thing, you can try MySQL Database Service, HeatWave and other Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services for free.
Click here.
- MySQL Database Service
- HeatWave
- Performance comparison of HeatWave with MySQL Database, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon Aurora
- MySQL Database Service—New HeatWave Innovations
- MySQL Benchmarks
- MySQL Shell
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
- MySQL Replication
Watch my videos on my YouTube channel and subscribe.
Thanks for using MySQL!

Cloud Solutions Architect at Oracle
MySQL Geek, author, blogger and speaker
I’m an insatiable hunger of learning.
Blog: www.dasini.net/blog/en/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/freshdaz
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[…] articles on my blog about MySQL Shell dump & load utilities.I would recommend you to read HeatWave – A MySQL cloud feature to speed up your queries and MySQL SHELL – The new […]
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