MySQL Security – Password Verification-Required Policy

May 5, 2020

MySQL 8.0 has introduced an optional behavior that authorize users to change their password only if they could provide the current password.


MySQL Security – Password Reuse Policy

April 28, 2020

MySQL provides password-reuse capability, which allows database administrators to determine the number of unique passwords a user must use before they can use an old password again.


MySQL Security – Password Expiration Policy

April 21, 2020

MySQL provides password-expiration capability, which enables database administrators to require that users reset their password.


MySQL Security – Random Password Generation

April 15, 2020

MySQL has the capability of generating random passwords for user accounts, as an alternative to requiring explicit administrator-specified literal passwords.


MySQL 8.0.19 New Features Summary

February 17, 2020

Presentation of some of the new features of MySQL 8.0.19 released on January 13, 2020.


Webinar – Migrating from MariaDB to MySQL

December 16, 2019

This webinar will cover the advantages and process for migrating from MariaDB/Galera cluster to MySQL InnoDB Cluster.

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MySQL 8.0.18 New Features Summary

November 26, 2019
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Presentation of some of the new features of MySQL 8.0.18 released on October 14, 2019.


MySQL 8.0.17 – New Features Summary

September 19, 2019

This presentation is a summary of the MySQL 8.0.17 new features.


MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Easy Recovering and provisioning

September 10, 2019

Up to MySQL 8.0.16, to perform these tasks you could:
– Use MySQL Enterprise Backup :
– Use mysqldump

Starting with MySQL 8.0.17, the easiest and recommended method is to use the CLONE feature.


MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Recovering and provisioning with MySQL Enterprise Backup

July 11, 2019

Like I stated in my previous article – MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Recovering and provisioning with mysqldump :
“As the administrator of a cluster, among others tasks, you should be able to restore failed nodes and to add (or remove) new nodes”.
Well, I still agree with myself 🙂
MySQL customers using a Commercial Edition have access to MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB) which provide enterprise-grade physical backup and recovery for MySQL.
MEB delivers hot, online, non-blocking backups on multiple platforms including Linux, Windows, Mac & Solaris.