MySQL Security – Password Verification-Required Policy

May 5, 2020

MySQL 8.0 has introduced an optional behavior that authorize users to change their password only if they could provide the current password.


MySQL Security – Password Reuse Policy

April 28, 2020

MySQL provides password-reuse capability, which allows database administrators to determine the number of unique passwords a user must use before they can use an old password again.


MySQL Security – Password Expiration Policy

April 21, 2020

MySQL provides password-expiration capability, which enables database administrators to require that users reset their password.


MySQL Security – Random Password Generation

April 15, 2020

MySQL has the capability of generating random passwords for user accounts, as an alternative to requiring explicit administrator-specified literal passwords.


MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Easy Recovering and provisioning

September 10, 2019

Up to MySQL 8.0.16, to perform these tasks you could:
– Use MySQL Enterprise Backup :
– Use mysqldump

Starting with MySQL 8.0.17, the easiest and recommended method is to use the CLONE feature.


MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Recovering and provisioning with MySQL Enterprise Backup

July 11, 2019

Like I stated in my previous article – MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Recovering and provisioning with mysqldump :
“As the administrator of a cluster, among others tasks, you should be able to restore failed nodes and to add (or remove) new nodes”.
Well, I still agree with myself 🙂
MySQL customers using a Commercial Edition have access to MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB) which provide enterprise-grade physical backup and recovery for MySQL.
MEB delivers hot, online, non-blocking backups on multiple platforms including Linux, Windows, Mac & Solaris.


MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Recovering and provisioning with mysqldump

July 9, 2019

As the administrator of a cluster, among other tasks, you should be able to restore failed nodes and grow (or shrink) your cluster by adding (or removing) new nodes.
In MySQL, as a backup tool (and if your amount of data is not too big), you can use mysqldump a client utility that performs logical backups.
The results are SQL statements that reproduce the original schema objects and data.
For substantial amounts of data however, a physical backup solution such as MySQL Enterprise Backup is faster, particularly for the restore operation.
But this is the topic of my next blog post 🙂


MySQL JSON Document Store

April 2, 2019

MySQL 8.0 provides another way to handle JSON documents, actually in a “Not only SQL” (NoSQL) approach…
In other words, if you need/want to manage JSON documents (collections) in a non-relational manner, with CRUD (acronym for Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations then you can use MySQL 8.0!
Did you know that?


MySQL Security – MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification

March 19, 2019

MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification hides sensitive information by replacing real values with substitutes in order to protect sensitive data while they are still look real and consistent.


MySQL Security – MySQL Enterprise Firewall

April 16, 2018

In this seventh episode of the MySQL Security series, we will see how MySQL Enterprise Firewall can help you to strengthen the protection of your data, in real-time, against cyber security threats like SQL Injection attacks by monitoring, alerting, and blocking unauthorized database activity without any changes to your applications.